
  • Penpim Phuangsuwan College of Management, University of Phayao, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul Faculty of Business Administration, Manipal GlobalNxt University, Malaysia
  • Siriporn Praesri College of Management, University of Phayao, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Nuttharin Pariwongkhuntorn College of Management, University of Phayao, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Vilasinee Khemapanya College of Management, University of Phayao, Bangkok, Thailand


knowledge management (KM); , community; , economic sustainability;


The objectives of this study are to Using Klong Makduea, Samut Sakhon for a case study, this study aimed to organize national and local culture-related research activities. The benefits could enhance the economic sustainability of a community based on cultural capital and local wisdom knowledge management. Purposive sampling from 8 university staff and 108 respondents who were community villagers was adopted for data collection by observations and qualitative approach. Content analysis was used for its interpretation based on knowledge management and sustainability theories regarding natural resources for environmentally friendly products. The findings revealed that the participants perceived knowledge management as essential for enhancing economic sustainability by adopting cultural capital and local knowledge management. Due to community business growth, the culture and local wisdom are excellent capitals for sustainability, both micro and macroeconomics. Community participation could be enhanced by using environmentally friendly products that do not permanently harm the environment and are very healthy for people's lives in the long run. Conclusion and Recommendations The statement presents a positive perspective on the potential benefits of knowledge management, cultural capital, and local wisdom for promoting economic sustainability and community engagement. The limitation is that without specific information about the study or the context in which it will be conducted, it is difficult to assess the validity and generalizability of these findings in quantitative research. It would be necessary to evaluate the study methodology, the participant characteristics, and the specific evidence supporting the stated perceptions, particularly for the structural equation model generally explaining to confirm the hypotheses for further study.


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How to Cite

Phuangsuwan, P., Siripipatthanakul , S. ., Praesri, S. ., Pariwongkhuntorn, N. ., & Khemapanya, V. . (2024). ENHANCING COMMUNITY ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY BASED ON CULTURAL CAPITAL AND LOCAL WISDOM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT : A CASE OF KLONG MADUEA, SAMUT SAKHON. วารสาร มจร พุทธปัญญาปริทรรศน์, 9(2), 1–13. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmbr/article/view/269125


