
  • Thalasama Jullapech จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


Local Self-Government, Decentralization,, Power Relationship,, Sustainable Development Goals, Bureaucratic Polity


The advent of political instability and the resurgence of bureaucratic polity following the military coup d'état in 2014 have posed significant challenges to local self-governance in Thailand. This study sought to shed light on the exercise of local government authorities under varied circumstances and the responses of the Thai government, focusing on three municipalities from distinct provinces: Pattani Town Municipality in Pattani Province, Mae Sot City Municipality in Tak Province, and Khon Kaen City Municipality in Khon Kaen Province. These selected study areas exemplify notable characteristics, including the presence of securitization efforts and the implementation of special security laws, a strategic border area designated as one of the special economic zones, and the mobilization of funds for large-scale infrastructure projects.

A qualitative research approach was employed to gain comprehensive insights and rich data. In-depth interviews were conducted with representatives from three distinct groups: executives from the Ministry of Interior at the central level, provincial governors at the provincial level, and executives of local government organizations. Additionally, focus group discussions were conducted with residents from the study areas and individuals who had prior experience collaborating with local leaders across all three study areas.

The research findings indicated that while local self-government, in general, continues to be subject to substantial centralized control, Mae Sot and Khon Kaen municipalities possess conducive conditions that enable them to exert greater authority. Conversely, Pattani's self-governance is impeded by national security concerns. Furthermore, this study examined the implications of the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) policy. It revealed a mix of opportunities to leverage and constraints arising from reliance on external technical assistance. However, the potential transformation of hierarchical relations into partnerships, as envisaged by the SDGs, is a phenomenon that has yet to fully materialize


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How to Cite

Jullapech, T. (2023). CHALLENGES OF LOCAL SELF – GOVERNMENT UNDER THAI BUREAUCRATIC POLITY . วารสาร มจร พุทธปัญญาปริทรรศน์, 8(3), 1–13. สืบค้น จาก


