
  • Konlawat Klaynak
  • Pairoj Jamuni
  • Jirawat Vongphantuset Silpakorn University Thailand


Digital Game Design, Mobile Game, Lanna Culinary Art, Cultural Promotion


The mix method was used in this research article, which was based on the concepts of local culinary arts and mobile game design. The study takes place in Muang, a district in Chiang Mai province, and the subjects are 30 undergraduates chosen using a purposive sampling method. In terms of the tools used in the study, there are three types: 1) Four expert and specialist interviews 2) A workshop with 30 attendees 3) Questionnaires for research participants After that, all of the primary data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and narrative reasoning.

The result of the study reveals: 1. The ways in which information concerning culinary arts, especially those used to promote Lanna's culture, is currently disseminated is through museum exhibitions and workshops, which are less likely to satisfy their interest. 2. Knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches in design and development are required to create a digital game on smartphones with the goal of promoting certain cultural aspects among Thai teenagers. Not only how the game works, but also how to keep players motivated while playing, must be incorporated into the design by 1) having the game characters tell the story, 2) presenting dominant characteristics of Lanna culture, and 3) designing the gameplay around Lanna cooking methods. 3. The digital games on smartphones promote the culinary arts of Lanna’s culture to present its identity with ease of use for users.

The research findings suggest that to apply knowledge of cooking culture in digital game development, it is necessary to involve experts in all the related areas which include scientists, mathematicians, experts in cultures, and artists in the project to ensure that the game is guided in the right direction so that it can be used as teaching material in classroom and part of museum exhibition. This way, the game will allow more young people, as well as tourists with an interest in culture, to access another form of content representing the arts and culture of the country.


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How to Cite

Klaynak, K. ., Jamuni, P., & Vongphantuset, J. . (2023). THE CREATION OF DIGITAL GAME ON SMARTPHONE TO PROMOTE LANNA CULINARY ART IN CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. วารสาร มจร พุทธปัญญาปริทรรศน์, 8(1), 1–12. สืบค้น จาก


