The Sensible Way for Washington to Dissolve the Trade Conflict with China Based on Traditional Chinese Philosophy: Comprehensive Strategic Confrontation or Dialogue and Cooperation


  • Bangxin Peng 0868914103


Washington, China, Confucian, Taoism, Strategy confrontation




       Trade disputes between China and U.S emergent in 2018. As the initiator of the dispute, Trump administration complains Chinese take advantage of U.S. with unfair rules of international trade, which has created economy decline for the U.S. This study explores the objective reasons which cause national power changes of two nations. Explain Chinese rising should be attributed from his traditional philosophy which promotes diligence, self-reliance and mental toughness spirit for national development. Meanwhile national power decline of U.S is caused by his internal factors such as depletion of the war, financial crisis and fading of manufacturing. U.S threatens China to escalate trade conflict up to comprehensive strategic confrontation including economic sanction and military options for sensitive area of China. This study examines relevant clip of Chinese history when Confucianism promote positive attitude for Chinese to resist external pressure to achieve national freedom and booming.  Comprehensive strategic confrontation does not make sense with China is asserted by this study based on analysis of unique features of Chinese nation to respond external threats. On the other way, peaceful principles proposed by Confucianism and Taoism could be applied by U.S to solve the disputes.Under peaceful principles, U.S can discuss the disputes with China and highlight cooperation to diminish disputes to achieve win-win objective through dialogue. Dialogue and cooperation is a sensible way for Washington to dissolve the trade conflict with China recommended by this article.




How to Cite

Peng, B. (2018). The Sensible Way for Washington to Dissolve the Trade Conflict with China Based on Traditional Chinese Philosophy: Comprehensive Strategic Confrontation or Dialogue and Cooperation. วารสาร มจร พุทธปัญญาปริทรรศน์, 3(3), 297–308. สืบค้น จาก


