Political Buddhism: The Consistency of Buddhist Teaching with the Principles of Democratic Governance


  • Jirayu Supsin Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Wanchai Suktam Surindra Rajabhat University


This article examines the consistency of the teachings of Buddha with the principles of democracy. It is contended that both philosophical approaches requires agreement and support of all segments of society, both citizens and those who control the governance of their society.  This requires agreement as to what constitute moral behavior and whether that should be led by those in control of society or by the majority of people that are citizens of that society.  In this respect it is pertinent in a society that perceives itself as devoutly Buddhist to examine what effects Buddhism has on the leaders and the citizens.




How to Cite

Supsin, J., & Suktam, W. (2018). Political Buddhism: The Consistency of Buddhist Teaching with the Principles of Democratic Governance. วารสาร มจร พุทธปัญญาปริทรรศน์, 2(3), 13–20. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmbr/article/view/132059


