The Integrated Learning Process of Problem-based Learning and Contemplative Study in the Course of Humanity Life and Self Development


  • Siriporn Somboonboorana สาขาวิชาศึกษาทั่วไป สำนักวิชาศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยวลัยลักษณ์



กระบวนการเรียนรู้โดยใช้ปัญหาเป็นฐาน, จิตตปัญญาศึกษา, รายวิชา มนุษยภาพ, ชีวิตและการพัฒนาตนเอง, Problem-based Learning, Contemplative Study and the course of Humanity Life and Self Development


The curriculum development of the School of Liberal Arts, Humanity Life and Self Development was modified and integrated with the learning process of problem-based learning and contemplative study in 2009. The objectives of general education are broad, but the mosh essential is to produce an educated person. The syllabus aims at cultivating a learned person, a graduate who has acquired basic social and human skills necessary for living and working normally in a rapidly changing world. These include a cultivation of human qualities, such as curiosity for knowledge, passion for learning, creativity and imagination, communication skills and problem-solving competencies, critical and scientific mind, and public awareness, moral and ethical principles. The contemplative study of the course focuses on practical activities. It makes students take an active, task-oriented, art therapy, dialogue and self-directed approach to their own learning. Adaptation of the instructional approach that uses “real-world” and students’ experience helps them to learn critical thinking, problem-solving skills and public awareness. It also helps them to acquire a core understanding of the concepts of the course. There is no right or wrong answer as there are reasonable solutions based on application of knowledge and skills deemed necessary to address the issues.

This paper focuses on the critiques of integrating these two learning processes, which influence student learning of their own understanding of individuals and society. The learning process and the process of lifelong learning will be used to develop active learning for the General Education Program.


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How to Cite

Somboonboorana, S. (2017). The Integrated Learning Process of Problem-based Learning and Contemplative Study in the Course of Humanity Life and Self Development. Walailak Journal of Learning Innovations, 1(2), 39–59.