A Review of the Effectiveness of Information Literacy Instruction among Nursing Students


  • Pattama Kusuman Master of Science Program in Health Science Education, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
  • Vorawan Vanicharoenchai Siriraj Health science Education Excellence center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
  • Suprapath Sonjaipanich Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand




Information Literacy, Nursing Student, Instruction Method


Information literacy is an essential skill for nurses to find evidence-based practice to improve nursing care. Many nursing schools are teaching information literacy to imbed this skill to their student. There is no evidence that showed the best way to teach information literacy. The purpose of this study was to review effective instruction to teach information literacy in undergraduate nursing students for the past 10 years by using PICO to define keywords. The included research must provide instruction methods in nursing students, measurement of actual information literacy and student’s information literacy must improve after enrolled. Searching results found 9 studies that met criteria. All matched evidence was assessed for validity, reliability, and feasibility for using the results of the study as a guideline for information literacy instruction in nursing students. The reviews found that most of them were collaborative instruction between nursing faculty and librarian. All of them were provided learning tasks, activities, and assignments to students. Some of them provided assistant and feedback for students’ assignments. Students' information literacy was improved after teaching. A well-designed instruction method with appropriate learning tasks and tools is an effective way to teach information literacy. The findings from this review can be helpful for nursing education as a guideline for information literacy instruction. Nurse educators should select and design appropriate learning tools and activities to practice. Provide assistance and feedback for students’ assignments to help students gain more understanding and information literacy ability.


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How to Cite

Kusuman , P., Vanicharoenchai , V., & Sonjaipanich , S. (2024). A Review of the Effectiveness of Information Literacy Instruction among Nursing Students. Journal of Information Science Research and Practice, 42(1), 133–147. https://doi.org/10.14456/jiskku.2024.8



Review Article