Ontology-Based Recommendation for Research Support Khon Kaen University Library
Ontology, Question management, Advisement, Research support, ProtégéAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a recommendation ontology for research support of Khon Kaen University library.
Methodology: This research and development study analyzed 5,561 questions of Khon Kaen University library users via various platforms from 2015 to 2018. Using the analysis results, the researchers developed this ontology based on Noy & McGuinness (2001) comprising 7 stages: 1) objective setting 2) terms clarifying 3) class and concept hierarchy setting 4) relationship building 5) property stipulating 6) class property perspective specifying and 7) sample data constructing. And Protégé version 3.5 was used for creating properties, classes and relationships and determining rules for providing recommendation with SWRL language. OWL File was later used together with Protégé of version 5.5.0 for viewing the ontology structure. Eventually Web Protégé was used to simulate the display of recommendation in a website format.
Main Findings: The development of the guidance ontology for research support services of Khon Kaen University Library consisted of 4 main classes: 1) information literacy 2) digital information 3) reference and research data and 4) research aid tools. The ontology assessment results indicated that specification of definition, scopes and objectives of the ontology development was valued as appropriately as a score of 1 (score = 1); class setting or the ontology concept generation was also valued as appropriately as a score of 0.67; data sample construction gained the same score as the class setting and concept generation; additionally, the ontology itself was reportedly valued as appropriately as a score of 1.
Applications of this study: This study makes contribution to the development of future investigations. For instance, the ontology structure can be further developed into an autonomous Chatbot which will be of benefit for both information providers and users.
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