Using Analytico-Synthetic Method for Building Isan children folk plays Ontology


  • Malee Kabmala


Ontology; Isan children folk plays


This study aimed at analyzing knowledge on Isan children folk plays and develop the folk play ontology. The study also provided defnition, characteristics
and relationship of Isan folk play knowledge, which would lead to the development of semantic tools for retrieving the knowledge. The ontology was developed based on Protégé Program, Version 3, consisting of 7 classes: 1) children folk plays, 2) folk players, 3) folk play process, 4) songs and dialogues, 5) play value, 6) Isan children folk play activities, and 7) Northeastern localities. These 7 classes were related in the forms of Benefcial for, Benefts from, Fit for, Perform on, Process for, Used for, and Uses process. The assessment of suitability of the structure of Isan children folk play ontology conducted experts revealed that its suitability was reportedly at X = 3.13 and its S.D. at S.D. = 0.14.


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How to Cite

Kabmala, M. (2018). Using Analytico-Synthetic Method for Building Isan children folk plays Ontology. Journal of Information Science Research and Practice, 36(2), 75–116. retrieved from



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