The Causal Model of Success for Producing Academic Publication in Journal of Academic Staff at Princess of Naradhiwas University


  • Dichitchai mettarikanon Digital Information Monagement Program School of Informatics, Walailak University
  • Detdanai Juychum Program of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Princess of Naradhiwas University.


Causal Model; Publication; Producing Academic; Academic Staff


This research aimed at 1) examining faculty members’ success factors in getting their papers published in academic journals and 2) verifying the causal model of success and identifying the success impact on 120 faculty staffs of Naradhiwas University. The dependent variables included faculty members, faculty or schools, and journals, and the independent variable is academic publications. Questionnaires were used to collect data, and the collected data were analyzed using mean ( ), standard deviation (S.D.) and Structural Equation Modeling.

The study findings revealed that 1) the faculty members’ key success factors in getting their academic papers published included their knowledge and experiences; other success factor related to their work units was the requirements and regulations imposed on their work units; and that related to the academic journals where their papers were published was the quality of the journal. The average of 2.45 articles written by the sample was sent to journal publishers, and the average of 2.14 articles got published. The findings also revealed that 2) the Causal Model of Success in getting the faculty members’ academic papers published revealed that the faculty staff variables had direct impact on their work units, journals and publication acceptances variables; while work place variables had no direct and indirect impact on the journal and publication acceptance
variables; and journal variables did not have any direct and indirect influences on publication acceptance variables.


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How to Cite

mettarikanon, D., & Juychum, D. (2019). The Causal Model of Success for Producing Academic Publication in Journal of Academic Staff at Princess of Naradhiwas University. Journal of Information Science Research and Practice, 37(1), 1–19. retrieved from



Research Article