Anthropological Information Use Behavior


  • Chindarat Berpan Department of Library Science, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • Wachiraporn Klungthanaboon Department of Library Science, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Anthropological Information, Information Behavior, Information Use


This article synthesizes research findings from 2 research projects: 1) the use study on library resources of Princes Maha Chakri Siridhorn Anthroplogy Center (SAC), a state enterprise, and 2) the users’ study on the SAC’s database usage to exhibit the anthropological information use behavior: access, search result management and implementation of the retrieved information. These two research projects employ the mixed-method study approach comprising collecting qualitative and quantitative data from anthropological information users: academics, students, mass media workers, government agency personnel, and other professionals. The study findings reveal that the majority of information users use Thai printed books, the use of the online commercial databases are reportedly found at a minimal level. Almost all of the databases developed by the SAC are found to be utilized. Among them, the Thai ethnic minority and ethnic research databases are heavily used. As for the access to anthropological information, the users conduct online searches via the SAC’s websites and OPAC and look for books on the SAC’s shelves. They read and make notes from the retrieved information. In addition, the users make use of the information for academic purpose, policy formulation, public matters, community and area development, commercial and living benefits.


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How to Cite

Berpan, C., & Klungthanaboon, W. (2018). Anthropological Information Use Behavior. Journal of Information Science Research and Practice, 36(1), 41–68. retrieved from



Research Article