Guidelines for Developing Online Booking Application for Accommodation Business

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Thanapol Inprasertkul
Chitlada Pinthong


This research aimed to 1) study the importance of mobile application servicescapes for online accommodation booking, 2) analyze mobile application servicescapes influencing Thai tourists’ trust in choosing a mobile application for online accommodation booking, and 3) study the relationship between Thai tourists’ trust and their satisfaction toward mobile application. Data were collected from Thai tourists in Chonburi province using a questionnaire and purposive sampling technique and administered to 398 sets. The data were statistically analyzed using the t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression, and simple regression. The key results showed that the mobile application servicescape factors, namely, spatial layout and functionality, demonstrated the highest importance. While tourist profile: age, education, occupation, income, and frequency of mobile application usage had a significantly positive effect on the servicescapes and indicated significant differences between groups. The findings also revealed that only two servicescape factors, aesthetic appeal and privacy and security, positively and significantly influenced Thai tourists’ trust in choosing a mobile application for online accommodation booking, and trust positively and significantly influenced Thai tourists’ satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Inprasertkul, T., & Pinthong, C. (2023). Guidelines for Developing Online Booking Application for Accommodation Business . Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 13(2), 39–52. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Thanapol Inprasertkul, Faculty of Business Administration, Burapha University



Chitlada Pinthong, Faculty of Business Administration, Burapha University




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