Assessment of Research Potential at the Faculty Level of Prince of Songkla University, Case Study: Faculty of Technology and Environment
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The purpose of this study was to know the research potential of researchers under the Faculty of Technology and Environment. The information can also be used to support the establishment of quality assurance of faculty research studies as well. The data were collected from university research databases and interviews with researchers on 42 projects during 2017 - 2020, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that most of the researchers hold doctoral degrees and non-academic positions. The total research funding received by the faculty of Technology and Environment was more than 29 million. Researchers who received the highest funding for research were in the age range 41 - 45, and found that researchers had the potential to find non-faculty funding up to 83.33%. It also found that the faculty researchers who led the research projects accounted for 90.48% of the total research projects. In terms of educational quality assurance, the percentage of international publications per number of researchers tends to increase. Comparison of Citation per Publication (5 years) and H-index showed higher results than their counterparts, indicating that researchers had relatively high research potential.
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