The relationship between the Primary Activities of Value Chain and performance of Agriculture Sector Cooperatives and Farmer Groups in Thailand

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Chompunoot Duangjan, Ph.D.
Karuna Phumeaim
Kanyarat Changintorn
Jirawan Klayprasong
Supphachet Pasari
Orada Ruangrit
Ravisara Intarathed


The most previous researches preferred to measure the operational efficiency of large organizations. Hence, there has been an interesting issue on the efficiency measurement regarding the operation of agricultural cooperatives, which is a small organization. Thus, this research being aimed to study the primary activities of value chain management affecting agricultural cooperatives and farmer groups in Thailand was conducted by collecting information through questionnaire being completed by 27 sampling groups who were the agricultural cooperatives chairpersons or managers as well as outstanding and top ten farmers in their management. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regressions. The findings showed that the majority of primary activities had no effect towards the operational efficiency and competitiveness of the cooperatives and farmer groups. The reason could be because the sampling groups were members of small organizations that they paid less attention to the primary activities on value chain management. Instead, they focused on the services being affected to the operational efficiency because such services were immediate activities in approaching customers that they were considered a performance of the highest interest.

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How to Cite
Duangjan, C., Phumeaim, K., Changintorn, K. ., Klayprasong, J., Pasari, S., Ruangrit, O., & Intarathed, R. (2021). The relationship between the Primary Activities of Value Chain and performance of Agriculture Sector Cooperatives and Farmer Groups in Thailand. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 280–306. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Karuna Phumeaim, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Bachelor's Degree, Student,

Kanyarat Changintorn, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Bachelor's Degree, Student,

Jirawan Klayprasong, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Bachelor's Degree, Student,

Supphachet Pasari, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Bachelor's Degree, Student,

Orada Ruangrit, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Bachelor's Degree, Student,

Ravisara Intarathed, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Bachelor's Degree, Student,


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