Community development through the public participation in Phlaiwat Sub-district Administrative Organization, Kanchanadit District, Surat Thani Province

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Natima Chooson
Natnicha Hasoontree


The objective of this study was to compare the participation of people in community development of Phlaiwat Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Kanchanadit District Suratthani Province classified by personal factors including gender, age, status and education level. Data were collected from a sample of 379 people and used proportional sampling. Use questionnaires as a tool to collect data. Statistics were analyzed for t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results showed that the participation of people in community development in gender, status and education level was found different people participate in the development of different communities. At a level of 0.05, the relevant agencies should cooperate in allowing more public participation. And allow people to express their opinions There is a public hearing. To continue to maintain this outstanding contribution

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How to Cite
Chooson , N., & Hasoontree , N. (2021). Community development through the public participation in Phlaiwat Sub-district Administrative Organization, Kanchanadit District, Surat Thani Province. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 307–331. retrieved from
Research Articles


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