Teahouse《茶馆》: A reflection of the grassroots class’ suffering in political instability

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Wuttipong Prapantamit
Assoc. Prof. Kanokporn Numtong, Ph.D.


Literature is a critical space where author’s sensibility and emotion can be related to reader. Moreover, it can be considered as a mean to state people’s suffering of social hierarchy that caused by external factors. This research’s objective is to present the lower class’ suffering, caused by oppression during political instability in China from a play named Teahouse written by Lao She, a Chinese popular author. The research has found that the play presents the lower class’ circumstance as a reflection of the suffering from being a lower class in China’s political instability in 3 subjects which is the following; 1) Deprivation of liberty in political criticism. 2) Striving to survive 3) Living in despair. Besides, the research also shows that Teahouse can be recognized as an unforgettable history, noting that the ruling class’ difficulty and despair can bring a tragedy in the end.

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How to Cite
Prapantamit, W., & Numtong, K. . (2021). Teahouse《茶馆》: A reflection of the grassroots class’ suffering in political instability. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 159–206. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/248874
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