The Integration of Innovative Learning Application “Flipgrid” to Encourage Korean Speaking Skills of Faculty of International Studies’ Students, Prince of Songkla University

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Netima Burapasiriwat


This paper explores the integration of innovative learning application “Flipgrid” in improving Korean speaking skills of 1st year and 2nd year students of Faculty of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University. The objectives of this study are 1) to examine the level of learners’ satisfaction with the integration of learning application Flipgrid, and 2) to evaluate learners’ progress in Korean speaking after using Flipgrid by measuring from the relative growth rate (RGR). The samples of this study include 8 second-year and third-year students of the International Studies program. This study collects the data through 1) speaking assessment 2) the satisfaction survey and 3) in-depth interview. This study utilizes the statistical analysis method through average, standard deviation, and relative growth rate (RGR). The result of this research reveals that 1) the average satisfaction score of students to practice speaking Korean through Flipgird is 4.67 with being on an extremely satisfying scale. Learning activities through Flipgird increase the roles of learners and engage students with practical learning. Moreover, this activity improves students’ speaking skills at the highest scale. 2) The students have an increased relative growth rate of 55.23 on average at a high scale.

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How to Cite
Burapasiriwat, N. (2021). The Integration of Innovative Learning Application “Flipgrid” to Encourage Korean Speaking Skills of Faculty of International Studies’ Students, Prince of Songkla University . Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 123–158. retrieved from
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