The Thao Thenp Krasattri and Thao Si Sunthon Memorial: Seen from an Artistic Viewpoint

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Sopon Supaviriyakorn


This article presents the histori It focuses on illustrating the le presents the historic bravery of Thao Thep Krasattri and Thoa Si Sunthon illustrating their wisdom, bravery, ability to lead, charisma and faith that people ain them. However, the article's primary aim is to analyze the general perception of brin elements; such as shape, line, direction, balance and emotional experience; meant to in beauty. Analysis has revealed that the elegance of the Thao Thep Krasattri and Thao Si authon Sculpture located in Thalang, Phuket, is contributed by an original pattern and an ortist's creativity. The artist appreciated the content, intelligence, folk wisdom and faith which reflect the two heroines' courage. As a result, the Thao Thep Krasattri and Thao Si Sunthon Memorial, to the people of Thalang and all Thais, is not only artistically beautiful but also symbolizes the bravery of the two heroines.

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How to Cite
Supaviriyakorn, S. (2012). The Thao Thenp Krasattri and Thao Si Sunthon Memorial: Seen from an Artistic Viewpoint. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 2(2), 117–129. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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