The Demise of Localism: The Reflection of Class Struggle in 2011 Election

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Sustarum Thammaboosadee


This article illustrates how the Mondialisation approach of French Marxist Henri Lefebvre can be read as a theory of neoliberal class struggle. Following consideration of Riggsian Bureaucracy and Marxist's structuralism, the article exhibits the insufficiency of latter approaches. It also demonstrates how the perception on local politics is challenged by the general class struggle. The landslide victory of Phua Thai Party does not only confront the national hierarchy status quo but also challenges the power relations in everyday life. 

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How to Cite
Thammaboosadee, S. . (2012). The Demise of Localism: The Reflection of Class Struggle in 2011 Election. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 2(1), 65–74. retrieved from
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