Report of Survey Result on Online Teaching and Learning Management Readiness of Lecturers at Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus

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Monrudee Saetae


In recent years, universities in Thailand—including Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus—are experiencing a decrease in the number of enrolled full-time students. In addition to that, the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has further affected the decline. Under these conditions, online learning is an option that enables the students to study and self-learn with no restrictions on time and place. Online learning is much safer for the students as it observes the social distancing measures by keeping a physical space among the people. Social distancing is one of the measures to limit the spread of the virus through airborne transmission. 

This article is a survey result report on the readiness of online teaching and learning management of lecturers at Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus. The survey is based on semester 2/2019 teaching tools and materials that focused on the lecturer’s readiness, limitations, and obstacles encountered in using the teaching tools. The survey is conducted using an online questionnaire (Google Form) for 3 weeks from May-June 2020 with a total of 93 respondents. The result of the survey could provide a guideline for the lecturers to help develop and prepare for online teaching in semester 1/2020.

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How to Cite
Saetae, M. (2021). Report of Survey Result on Online Teaching and Learning Management Readiness of Lecturers at Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 79–100. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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