Analysis on Current Situation of Confucius Classrooms in Thailand and Suggestion on Systemic Model

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Wang Bing


Based on reviewing the news published by Confucius Classrooms (CCs) in Thailand for promoting their activities, the author has calculated the total volume of activities held by CCs in 2011 and classified the activities of promoting Chinese language learning then analyzed them using qualitative research method, finally give out suggestions on establishing the systemic model for CCs to do the future activities.

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How to Cite
Bing, W. . (2013). Analysis on Current Situation of Confucius Classrooms in Thailand and Suggestion on Systemic Model. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 3(1), 1–12. Retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Wang Bing, Phuket Rajabhat University

Lecturer of


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