The Functional Type and Strategic Type of Defense Speech Act

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Wen Bing


Defense Speech Act (DSA) is the speech act that the speaker consciously defends the third party through utterances to realize a certain communicative purpose. Different from other speech acts, Defense Speech Act involves three parties in one communication process, with the third party entering the process, present or not. When performing the defense, the speaker needs to consider his relationship with the listener and the third party, thus it presents
the linguistic rules more complicated than other speech acts. Defense Speech Act is categorized into the three functional parties with the directing center being the First Party, the Second Party and the Third Party, and three strategic types—Offensive Defense, Defensive Defense and Mixed Defense

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How to Cite
Bing, W. (2014). The Functional Type and Strategic Type of Defense Speech Act. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 4(1), 163–176. retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Wen Bing, College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University, Shantou Guangdong, P.R.China

Ph.D., Lecturer