The Quality of Graduates According to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF: HEd): Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare, Academic Year 2019
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The purpose of this research was to explore the quality of graduates in Social work curriculum according to Thai qualifications framework for higher education. The samples were 48 supervisors/employers of graduates who attend the B.E. 2561 (2018) graduation ceremony. The instruments used were questionnaires. The content validity was evaluated by 3 experts, and the reliability was 0.85. The data obtained was then analyzed by computing frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results showed that most of supervisors/employers are female (75.00%), middle manager/head of department (72.92%), government agency (54.17) and more than 3 – 6 months for work with the graduate (60.42%)
The assessment of graduate quality under the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF: Hed) on all 6 sub-aspects were at a high level ( = 3.95). Considering scores of particular dimensions, it was found that the aspect of Morality and ethics ( = 4.18) had the highest mean score. The mean scores of other aspects were as follows: Interpersonal relationship skills and responsibility ( = 4.16), Professional skills ( = 4.09), Knowledge ( = 4.02), Mathematical analytical thinking, communication and information technology skills ( = 3.65) and Intellectual skills ( = 3.61). The average score of the special characteristics of social work graduated was at a high level ( = 4.19). The major characteristics in highest level were able to work with others ( = 4.46), ready to start working ( = 4.42), volunteer mind ( = 4.33), and have social responsibility ( = 4.21).
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