Use of Marketing Content for Marketing Communication of the International Orchestras

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Punyawas Manomaiphibul
Asst. Prof. Treetip Boonyam, Ph.D.
Pawat Ouppathumchua


The objectives of this research were to study the techniques and feedback of using social media that the world-class orchestras and the Asian region orchestras use for marketing communication and study the similarities and differences between the use of marketing contents of the world-class orchestra and the orchestra in the Asian region in order to present a marketing communication method through social media that can develop a new customer group for orchestra in Thailand or other orchestras, applying the qualitative research technique with documentary research for collecting the data. The results of this study indicated that to present the content of the orchestras, a selection of 17 techniques were used, and other different support techniques. A world-class orchestra that has received high responses from followers could create new marketing content for social media themselves and consistently provide followers information.

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Manomaiphibul, P. ., Boonyam, T., & Ouppathumchua, P. . (2020). Use of Marketing Content for Marketing Communication of the International Orchestras. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 10(2), 216–248. retrieved from
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