The Study of Tourism Risks in Pattaya of Chonburi Province

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Asst. Prof. Komsit Kieanwatana, Ph.D.


The purposes of this study were to analyze and assess tourism risk, and suggesting guidelines to respond to the tourism risks of Pattaya, Chonburi Province. This research was a mixed research of qualitative research and action research by collecting data from document, area survey, focus group, and in-depth interviews. The samples were consisted of academics, experts, specialists, tourism business operators and tourists who traveling to Pattaya of Chonburi Province, a total of 70 samples. The research results were found that:

1) Risk issues with a very high level of risk were the traffic risk in Pattaya and the security risk at the seaside and water activities.

2) Risk issues with high levels of risk were the crime risk in entertainment venues, the risk of oceanfront buildings, and disaster risk.

3) Risk issues with medium risk levels were cleanliness risk, and trading risk.

In addition, the guidelines to respond to the tourism risks of Pattaya, Chonburi Province were divided into 4 methods which are Avoidance, Reduction, Sharing, and Acceptance.

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How to Cite
Kieanwatana, K. (2021). The Study of Tourism Risks in Pattaya of Chonburi Province. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 54–78. retrieved from
Research Articles


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