Importance-performance analysis (IPA) of Digital Information Quality: The international tourists’ perspective

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Crysantina R. Michelle Kurniadjie
Assist. Prof. Kullada Phetvaroon


Nowadays digital information is the most common source of information used for tourists to gather information about destination. In a highly competitive tourism market, the quality of information provided for tourists is essential. understanding the importance and satisfaction of information quality provided by destination in the tourists’ point of view is necessary. Therefore, the objective of this study are 1) to identify the strengths and weaknesses of digital information quality of Thailand by importance-performance analysis (IPA) 2) to investigate the gap between ‘importance digital information quality and performance.  From total 17 attributes, 8 of them are located in Quadrant 1 “Keep up the Good Work”. There is no attribute located in Quadrant 2 “Concentrate Here. There are 8 attributes in Quadrant 3 “Low Priority”, and only 1 attribute in Quadrant 4“Possible Overkill”. This study is beneficial because the performance and satisfaction of digital information quality of Thailand can be identified for further improvement.

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How to Cite
Michelle Kurniadjie, C. R., & Phetvaroon, K. (2019). Importance-performance analysis (IPA) of Digital Information Quality: The international tourists’ perspective. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 9(2), 65–85. retrieved from
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