Teaching models of polysemic word 잡다 /ʧaptʼa/ from the 21st Sejong Language Corpus Project

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Netima Burapasiriwat


The objectives of this study are 1) to find out the usage frequency of polysemic Korean word 잡다/ʧaptʼa/ by analyzing the data from the 21st Sejong Language Corpus Project, and 2) to prioritize the most appropriate teaching plan of this word for Korean language learners as a second language. The corpus of 3,387 sentences, which includes the word 잡다/ʧaptʼa/  was collected from the 21st Sejong Language Corpus Project of  National Institute of the Korean Language (NIKL). The data was analyzed in both semantic and statistic aspects by exploring the frequency in using the word 잡다/ʧaptʼa/. The result is analyzed by compared with the data from the corpus in Korean textbook (Burapasiriwat, 2018) and dictionary of the usage frequency of basic Korean (서상규, 2014). The result of this study revealed that 15 meanings were found necessarily to the Korean learners as second language. 3 meanings are mostly used for basic learners while 5 meanings are suitable for intermediate learners, and 7 meanings are for advanced learners.

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How to Cite
Burapasiriwat, N. (2019). Teaching models of polysemic word 잡다 /ʧaptʼa/ from the 21st Sejong Language Corpus Project. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 9(2), 1–17. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/231982
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