Event-Related Potential to Dominance Emotional Thai Words and Digitized Sounds in Young Adults
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The purposes of this research article were to compare young adults’ brainwave according to gender and personality, and interaction between gender and personality while the participants watched Thai words and listened to DigitizedSounds on dominance emotional. Paticipants were 80 undergraduate students, aged 20 to 24 years, Burapha University in Academic Year 2017. The research instruments were Dominance Emotional Thai Words and Digitized Sounds Tasks and Self-Assessment Mankin: SAM for Dominance dimension and the Neuroscan system. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Two-way ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1) Brainwaves of male and female during the events were different at P100 and N100 occipital lobe; female brain responded faster than male. 2) Brainwaves of extrovert and ambivert during the events were different at P100 occipital lobe; ambivert brain responded faster than extrovert. 3) Interaction between gender and personality effected on P100 occipital lobe; female extrovert responded faster than others. On N100 occipital lobe; male extrovert responded faster than others.
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