Research on Sports Marketing of CDIS Company Based on Stakeholder Theory

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Yue Zhao


The Olympic Games are an international sports event, it brings not only international sports competition and sports exchanges, and also followed by a big gold mine of the sport products, many small and medium enterprises related with sports or with little correlation on sports all want to take their chance and to become an excellent nuggets, for the scale of obtaining the maximum level of their marketing value in the context of the Olympic Games. However, in China, Sports operations planning is a new immature thing. In view of the winter Olympic Games sports operations planning, along with the stakeholder theory, need to be studied and discussed in-depth, in order to achieve the marketing success in 2022 winter Olympic Games.

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How to Cite
Zhao, Y. (2018). Research on Sports Marketing of CDIS Company Based on Stakeholder Theory. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 5(2), 124–136. retrieved from
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