A Study of Chronological History of the Cross-Cultural Marriage in Koreans

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Punchida Saenphithak


The Cross-Cultural Marriage of Koreans with other nationalities began long time ago. It was divided into four eras; cultural marriage in ancient times, Japan colonization, Korean War, and after 1990 onwards.

This article aims to analyze the cross-cultural Marriage in Koreans diachronically including the study of cross-cultural Marriage backgrounds, the factors of increasing of cross-cultural Marriage, the problems and influences of the cross-cultural marriage in Koreans.

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How to Cite
Saenphithak, P. . (2018). A Study of Chronological History of the Cross-Cultural Marriage in Koreans. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 5(2), 95–108. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/116160
Academic Articles


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