National Culture and the Challenges in Managing Strategic Changes: A Case Study of General Motors and Daewoo
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This study has critically reviewed literatures that are related to Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and Managing Strategic Changes (MSC) which are vital knowledge for global companies in order to successfully penetrate and expand their operations worldwide. The aims of this study are to show how GM (General Motors), a leading car manufacturer in the United States, successfully merged with Daewoo, a leading car manufacturer in South Korea, and how they were able to manage changes strategically. The actual company’s case study was used which obviously occurred in order to enhance better comprehension. General Motors Company is exemplified as one of the achieved outcomes of Mergers & Acquisitions in this study . Data was collected from related literatures, theories, and were analyzed respectively. The finding was very interesting, showing the heterogeneity of national culture among two nations influence Mergers & Acquisitions actions therefore understanding national culture is significant to managing changes effectively .
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