Exploring Destination Image Using a Projective Approach: Chinese Temples and Shrines in Phuket, Thailand

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Inderpal Virdee
Panuwat Phakdee-auksorn


Chinese (Taoist) temples and shrines in Phuket, Thailand have a long established history which forms one aspect of Phuket’s international image, yet Chinese temples and shrines struggle to fund themselves and depend upon the local support of believers, businesses and international tourists. Chinese temples and shrines have the potential to attract international tourists but fail to do so as their image remains unclear to international tourists. Through clarifying their image, Chinese temples and shrines would benefit financially both directly and indirectly by enhancing their international image as cultural and heritage attractions to attract tourists. Therefore, the aim of the study is to explore the image of Chinese temples and shrines in Phuket by using a projective approach with international tourists. A total of 153 international tourists were surveyed using an accidental sampling method from seven of the most visited sites in Phuket. The survey used 19 projective questions to examine the aspect of the Chinese temple image. The results were analysed using thematic analysis and showed the significant aspects of the image as being religious, colourful, attractive, mysterious, peaceful, traditional, and unique cultural attractions. In addition, European tourists felt more feelings of peace and fascination and Asian tourists experienced more religious and traditional feelings when visiting. The study concludes that Chinese temples and shrines in Phuket are seen as cultural and heritage attractions that are considered worthwhile for visiting as they provide educational and cultural stimulus.

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How to Cite
Virdee, I., & Phakdee-auksorn, P. (2018). Exploring Destination Image Using a Projective Approach: Chinese Temples and Shrines in Phuket, Thailand. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 7(2), 227–272. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jis/article/view/113263
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