Ojectives and Area of Journal

         Journal of Buddhist Psychology aimed to encourage publishing research paper, academic paper, review paper of researchers, professors, and students  with the expectation to be resource of  that anybody can search, publish, and exchange knowledge of virious areas. Journal of Buddhist psychology welcome papers about Psychology, Buddhism, Behavioral science, Siciology, Applied and Multidiciprinaly Humanities and Social Science. App papers must be approved by at lease two reviewers before publishing. We welcome both Thai and English papers.   


Type of papers that journal that welcome

         1) Research Article that represent research results of psychology, behavioral science, Buddhism Sociology, Liberal arts, applied science including other multidisciplanary

        2) Academic Article that present new analytal or critical idea.

        3) Review Article that present critics or  contribution with multidimention of academic view  


Period of publication

         Journal publish 2 volumes per year. 

         Volume 1:  January - June

        Volume 2: July - December


Publish athttps://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbp


Process of concidering by reviewers

        Journal of Buddhist Psychology has process of reviewing by at least two peer reviewer before publishing with bouble blind method.  Papers of authors in organization must be approved by peer reviewers before publishing and authors outside organization must be approve by peer reviewers outside organization who had not be stakeholder.