Effects of using Productivity-Based Learning through Web-Based Instruction on Creative Products of Grade 8 Students.
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The purpose of this research was to compare the evaluation results of creative products after using productivity-based learning through web-based instruction with the 70% criteria for full scores. The multi-stage random sampling consisted of 30 grade eight students in the first semester of the academic year 2021, studying at Bueng Kham Phroi Subdistrict Administrative Organization School 1 (Wat Rat Sattha Ram School), under the Department of Local Administration. The research instruments were: 1) ten plans of productivity-based learning through web-based instruction (online teaching) lasting 20 hours and appropriate at the highest level, 2) a creative product test with a reliability of 0.89, and 3) web-based instruction appropriate at the highest level with an efficiency value of 82.17/85.22. The statistics used for the data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and one sample t-test.
The findings revealed that the evaluation scores for the creative products after using productivity-based learning through web-based instruction were higher than the 70% criteria for full scores, at a statistical significance level of 0.05. ( = 16.97 out of a full score of 20, S.D. = 1.79).
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