Law Enforcement Issues in Animal Protection under Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act, B.E. 2557 (2014): A Case Study of Liability for Leaving, Abandoning, or Acting in Any Way to Get the Animal Out of the Responsibility Without Justification


  • ทศพร ปันทะ
  • Khettai Langkarpint


Law Enforcement, Animal Welfare, Stray Animals


This documentary research aimed to study the legal measures related to the offenses against abandonment of animals without justification in the laws of Thailand, Illinois in United States, New Zealand, and the Philippines in order to compare and analyze the problems in law enforcement, as well as, to seek solutions, and suggestions for improvements, amendments, and additions of provisions to the Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act, B.E. 2557 (2014).

The results of the study revealed that at present, the Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act, B.E. 2557 (2014) in the offenses against abandonment of animals without justification were deficient in proper penalties for prohibiting offenders, and concrete legal measures for animal registration. This was considered a significant factor affecting the efficiency of law enforcement to prevent, correct, and control the offenses against abandonment of animals without justification. Thus, appropriate rates of penalty should be added, and enact the additional legislation relating to animal supervision, determination of the details of care, requirements for registration operations, and microchip implantation, or any other methods for the animal identification in order to encourage law enforcement to prevent the commission of offenses against abandonment of animals without justification, and there should be measures to enforce the law more efficiently.


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How to Cite

ปันทะ ท., & Langkarpint, K. . (2021). Law Enforcement Issues in Animal Protection under Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act, B.E. 2557 (2014): A Case Study of Liability for Leaving, Abandoning, or Acting in Any Way to Get the Animal Out of the Responsibility Without Justification. Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University Research Journal (Humanities and Social Science), 9(1), 35–53. Retrieved from



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