Characteristics in the ‘Narratives’ of Petchaburi Craftsmen’s Creative Arts in the Context of Tourism


  • Songrit Chimmod Graduate student Thai language major Faculty of Arts Silpakorn University, Lecturer in Thai Language Department Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Phetchaburi Rajabhat University


1. Narratives in the creative arts 2. Petchaburi craftsmen 3. The context of tourism


This study of the narratives of Petchaburi craftsmen’s creative arts is to analyse the characteristics of the narratives of the crafts in the context of tourism. This analysis employs the methodology of folkloristics, the concept of cultural reproductions and the theory of creative folkloristics. The main content for the study includes a total of 528 arts and crafts, such as concrete sculptures, wood carvings, and paintings that express different types within the context of tourism in the Petchaburi province from 1977 to 2019. The narratives were found in four types, one) history of the Lord Buddha and the Jataka tales which follows the tradition of the older craftsmen, two) the literature of Ramayana, three) social events including both domestic and international and presented in short stories, and four) the narratives about the history of places, the community’s ways of life and the ethnic groups in the Petchaburi province. Creation of different types of narratives of Petchaburi craftsmen’s creative arts shows the reproduction of creative narratives as different types of art create greater interests in the context of tourism.


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How to Cite

Chimmod, S. (2023). Characteristics in the ‘Narratives’ of Petchaburi Craftsmen’s Creative Arts in the Context of Tourism. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 19(1), 69–100. retrieved from



Research Article