An analysis of prince damrong’s thai text book “beab rein reaw”


  • Passapong Pewporchai Ubon Ratchathani University


textbook, reading instruction, H.R.H. Prince Damrong


The research entitled "Fast Learning Textbooks composed by H.R.H. Prince Damrong” aims to analyze patterns in reading and writing instruction of the textbooks and to analyze the values of the new fast learning textbooks composed by H.R.H. Prince Damrong. The textbooks used for the analysis are Fast Learning Textbook Volume 1 (beginning level) Fast Learning Textbook Volume 2 (intermediate level), and Fast Learning Textbook Volume 3 (advanced level) complied by the Institute of Thai Language, Department of Academic Affairs, Ministry of Education in the year 1999. The study found that in the textbooks’ Thai language teaching style, they start from familiarize the learners with all 44 consonants and vowels that are easy to pronounce. They then teach students to read aloud one-syllable, two-syllable, and three-syllable words, both with and without meanings. There is an explanation about the leading consonants and diphthongs. Additionally, the textbooks teach word spelling, correct writing, how to read words written with the ai vowel (ใ-). Also, the textbooks train students to recognize different types of words, structures. and various types of sentences, including simple sentences, extended sentences, and compound sentences. The values ​​that appear in the Fast Leaning textbooks can be classified as follows. In Fast Learning Textbook 7 aspects of values are found: the surrounding nature and way of life, friendship for others, generosity, hard work, eagerness for learning, family bond and additional knowledge in addition to the learning content., patriotism, religion, and monarchy


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How to Cite

Pewporchai, P. (2022). An analysis of prince damrong’s thai text book “beab rein reaw”. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 18(2), 246–275. retrieved from



Research Article