“Illegal Thai migrant workers as Disease carriers”: The Relationship between Language and Representation under the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019


  • Yudthakarn Pattamaroj Department of Thai Language Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University


Illegal migrant labors, The epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019, Representation, Critical Discourse Analysis


This research article aimed to study linguistic devices to present the representation “Disease carriers” of Illegal Thai migrant labors in online news under the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019. The data used in this research included 88 online news during March, 2020. The result showed that there were 4 linguistic devices to present the representation “Disease carriers” of Illegal Thai migrant labors including (1) lexical selection (2) modality (3) presupposition and (4) intertextuality. These linguistic devices present the representation “Disease carriers” of Illegal Thai migrant labors by using polarization between US and THEM.


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How to Cite

Pattamaroj, Y. (2022). “Illegal Thai migrant workers as Disease carriers”: The Relationship between Language and Representation under the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 18(2), 196–245. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/eJHUSO/article/view/257548



Research Article