Policy of Multicultural Society in Republic of Korea and Problems on Cultural Diversity
Multicultural society policy, Impacts of multicultural diversity, Multicultural family policy, Multicultural familyAbstract
The purposes of this research were to 1) examine problems and conflicts in multicultural families in Republic of Korea, 2) explore the relationship between the policy of multicultural family and the family conflicts, and 3) propose guidelines on multicultural family policy formulation in solving conflicts and laying the foundation of multicultural society in Republic of Korea. The primary data obtained from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family’s survey between 2010 and 2018, the National Statistical Office, and the Ministry of Justice as well as the secondary data through reviewed literature were analyzed.
The findings were as follows.
- Different cultures, ways of life, and races as well as the lack of social support, and language barriers caused cultural conflicts, racism, and life difficulties which ended marriage of multicultural families in divorce.
- The multicultural family policy issued by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in 2018-2022 was compatible with the need for social and cultural adaptation in the early stages despite the following weaknesses. 1) The policy prioritized the adaptation of the aliens to the Korean cultures solely, while the sharing of knowledge and varied cultures was limited. 2) The policy were targeted only at multicultural family members rather than encouraging the community and the society to take action. 3) The foreign members of the family did not have an opportunity to participate in the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family’s projects. 4) The policy did not cover any assistance regarding divorce or separation.
- The suggested guidelines on multicultural family policy included 1) to encourage the interaction and cooperation between the families and the community in formulating a multicultural society, 2) to provide assistance in case of a divorce or separation, and 3) to design all-level curriculums containing multicultural society or foreign language and cultural studies content.
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