The Change of Political Identity of Taiwan and the Relationship with Thailand in the Social and Cultural Dimension
Taiwan, Political Identity, International Relations, Social and Cultural Dimension, ConstructivismAbstract
The objective of this research is to study the change of political identity and interests of Taiwan that affect the relationship between Taiwan and Thailand in the social and cultural dimension from the Constructivist theory. This research uses qualitative research by using documentary research and in-depth interview with 4 Thai and Taiwanese scholars and 2 high-ranking officials of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Thailand. The data are analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The results and the suggestion are summarized as follows:
Taiwan’s democratization has begun in the 1980s which has defined the new meaning of Taiwanese national identity and interests. This change has been consistent with the norms of international politics during the end of the cold war that liberal democracy is universal value. According to Constructivism, the new constructed national identity of Taiwan aims to determine forms of relations that are different from ones in the past. The rise of Taiwanese democratic political system identity has propelled its foreign policy to extend cooperation with other various countries. Especially, the New Southbound Policy has emphasized more people –to –people cooperation that advances the relationship between Taiwan and Thailand in education and tourism, including the cooperation among International Non-Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations of both countries. The research suggests that Thai government, Thai private companies, as well as Thai civil society organizations should seek more cooperation in several aspects such as education, medicine, and technology with Taiwan which has advanced competencies and capabilities more than Thailand.
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