Awareness of Waqf of Thai - Muslims in the Southernmost Provinces of Thailand


  • Tawat Noipom Faculty of Islamic Science, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani campus
  • Abbas Labduang M.B.A. (Agribusiness Management), Independent Scholar


Waqf Awareness, Waqf Principle, Thai Muslims, Southern most Provinces of Thailand


Waqf in Muslim society have developed continuously from the time of the Prophet Muhamad (s.w.) until today. Waqf can help improving public infrastructure and rising the standard of living of people. In Thailand, Waqf has been practiced for decades, but there is lack of knowledge among Muslims on this topic. It, thus, diminishes the role of Waqf in socio-economic development. The objective of this study is to examine the awareness on Waqf principles and practices among Thai Muslims in southern provinces. The researchers selected Pattani and Satun as location of the research and 400 samples were selected using simple random sampling technique. Descriptive i.e. frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and inference statistics i.e. correlation using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were employed to analyze the collected data.

The findings in this study show that people have good general knowledge on waqf principles. Their levels of awareness on characteristics and status of Waqf level in Thailand are moderate. The correlation shows that there is a small positive relationship between awareness of Waqf and understanding on Waqf. In addition, the result indicates that there is a small positive relationship between awareness on Waqf and the characteristics of Waqf. These findings imply that the success of Waqf institution depends significantly on spreading knowledge and understanding of Waqf to the society.


Author Biographies

Tawat Noipom, Faculty of Islamic Science, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani campus

Ph.D. (Islamic Banking and Finance),Lecturer Islamic Economics and Management Program, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus

Abbas Labduang, M.B.A. (Agribusiness Management), Independent Scholar



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How to Cite

Noipom, T., & Labduang, A. (2020). Awareness of Waqf of Thai - Muslims in the Southernmost Provinces of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 15(2), 75–96. retrieved from



Research Article