Evaluation of Naval IT project : Creative Media Enhancing Society According to “Clean Navy” Policy
Evaluation of project, Royal Thai Naval Cadets, CIPP Model, Naval ITAbstract
Naval IT project : Creative Media
Enhancing Society has an objective to
evaluate the results of Naval IT project :
Creative Media Enhancing Society According
to “Clean Navy” Policy and to assess the
cadet’s media production in promoting the
good image of the cadet by using Daniel L.
Stufflebeam CIPP Model to assess the four
dimensions namely context factors, input
factors, process, and product of the project.
The sample group was 30 cadets participating
in the project. The results showed that the
aforementioned operations of the cadet
were in line with the 4 dimensions of the
clean navy policy. 1) Context Factors: There
is consistency between policy and objectives.
The cadet developed more knowledge in
photography and graphic, therefore cadets
could be able to build on the creation of
public relations media, and build society by
themselves. There was a good response,
which were expressed by positive comments
on the media that the cadet publicized.
2) input factors: The cadets are ready in
implementing creative media projects to
promote society in terms of personnel,
budget and media, materials, and equipment.
3) Process: the planning, implementing and
executing practices were done well and
4) Product of the project: The project has
progressed according to the planned plan.
Moreover, the cadet can create all kinds
of media and they could take care of the
public relations of the news in accordance
with the activities of the Royal Thai Navy on
their own. The Recommendation from this
project are that The Royal Thai Navy Academy
should encourage cadets to use their free
time to benefit themselves and society in
the development of technology as well as
the production of media in order to create
a good image for the institution that affects
the engagement within the institution. In
addition, knowledge and communication
skills should be promoted as well as the
use of all types of media to promote and
reduce conflicts in the organization as well
as foster love and unity and to strengthen
the community and society with sustainable
morality. The Royal Thai Navy Academy produced to creative media to promote the
image of the institute into the Royal Thai
Naval Academy strategic plan which is a plan
for the development and promotion of the
cadet to be continually and sustainable in
a concrete way
should integrate activities and projects