Project evaluation “Senior teaching Junior” : Guidelines for the development of Royal Thai Naval Cadets in accordance to “Clean Navy” Policy
โรงเรียนนายเรือ, การประเมินแบบ ทดสอบภาษาอังกฤษแบบอเมริกันAbstract
This article aims to evaluate the
project and respond to the “Clean navy
policy “, to create quality youths “Grow up,
Do not Cheat”, to strengthen the cadets to
have English language skills that meet the
criteria set by the Navy, and to develop
their English language skills. The junior years
cadet would be in the care of the mentor
which were senior cadets with quite good
English skills. They gave class which included
practicing leadership and thinking process
that would help to develop the younger
generation to have knowledge and abilities
Pass the assessment criteria according to
the set standards of each year. The desire
result of the training for cadets are to
improve English language skills so, in the
future, they can use English language in
accordance with international standards
and can help developing the navy in various
fields by using CIPP Model by Daniel L.
Stufflebeam as a guideline of project evaluation. The result of the project was in
accordance with Royal Thai Navay policy.
This enabled the cadet to develop their
English language skills as well as being a
leader in being a “brother teacher”. The
cadet has a test score. They had to pass the
criteria for the American Language Course
Placement Test (ALCPT) according to the
required standards each year. As for the
preliminary factors, the project received
good support for media budget, materials
and equipment from the Royal Thai Naval
Academy. As for the factors of operation,
planning, managing activities, participating
public relations, and evaluating of activities
are in accordance with the project objectives. The factor of project productivity
which was found that the English language
teaching of the Brotherhood Program gave skills. Our recommendations are as follows:
The Royal Thai Navy should promote the
environment in order to benefit the cadets
in teaching and learning through various
activities that would benefit the development
of skills and test scores. The Royal Thai
Naval Academy should promote preliminary
factors including supporting continuously on
budgetary on the annual plan. The Royal
Thai Naval Academy should promote
operational processes, whereby the Royal
Thai Navy should conduct planning, organizing, managing activities, participating in
public relations, and evaluating of activities
in all communication channels of the Royal
Thai Naval Academy. The Royal Thai Naval
Academy should promote the project to
integrate English language teaching activities into the strategic plan which could be
develop into teaching and learning in all
subjects in English
the cadet students better English language