Research in Myanmar Higher Education: The Role of Teachıng and Student Learnıng


  • Mary


Research, Hıgher Educatıon, The role of teachıng, Student learnıng, Myanmar


With regard to the missions of higher education in Myanmar, universities have
arrived at the following missions: (1) the paramount mission of higher education is to serve
the human person and society; (2) through its work of research and inquiry, its courses of
study and training, its cooperation activities and its partnerships with various social sectors,
higher education is called upon to make a key contribution to opening up and high-lighting
new paths to a better future for society and the individual, and to give direction and shape
to that future. In the process of enhancing the quality of higher education, emphasis should
be placed on the students’ personal development for professional life. Currently, national
processes for research-quality assessment have been introduced or amended across Myanmar.
Research can promote teachers’ teaching skills master new knowledge, develop new proficiency,
which in turn, help to improve students’ learning. The sources of the empirical data for
the study were questionnaire and semi-structured interviews conducted with 154 members
from the various departments and 22 senior researchers. This research aimed to contribute
to a broader understanding of the role of research for the quality of teaching and student
learning and, through the collection of good practices and recommendations, to argue
for the integration of these indicators in research quality assessment tools and evaluation
frameworks. The outcomes indicate the need to discuss the role of teaching, staff
professional development, assessment criteria
and the impact of research on graduate /
postgraduate student learning. It is hoped
that this study will make a great contribution
to the field of language teaching and learning
in higher education




