
  • Guyu Li Faculty of Education, Burapha University
  • Watunyoo Suwannaset Faculty of Education, Burapha University
  • Paratchanun Charoenarpornwattana Faculty of Education, Burapha University


Human Resource Development, Chinese Normal University, HIV/AIDS Education


The work of Human Resource Development (HRD) and Organizational Development in most organizations aims at helping organizations to improve their performance and achieve the desired goals. Universities are one of the organizations which need long term development. Since Yunnan Normal University has received an award for HIV/AIDS prevention, exploring their policy and implementation methods of HIV/AIDS education allows other universities to take the organizational development guidelines into their consideration.This qualitative study applying the Single-Case Study strategy proposed two research objectives: 1) to study HIV/AIDS education policy in one awarded Chinese Normal University in Kunming City, 2) To explore the methods, the selected Chinese Normal University implements for HIV/AIDS education policy at the university. Semi-structured interview and document review were applied as the data collection methods collecting information from 9 co-researchers in the university. The research results highlighted two contributions for HIV/AIDS education in other universities:1) Internal cooperation of each department is the first guarantee for conducting HIV/AIDS education and promoting organizational development in Chinese universities. 2) Offering blood test activities and encouraging students to test their bloods are effective methods for HIV/AIDS education and prevention.


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How to Cite

LI, G.; SUWANNASET , W. .; CHAROENARPORNWATTANA , P. . ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION METHODS OF HIV/AIDS EDUCATION IN ONE AWARDED CHINESE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. RMUTT Global Business and Economics Review, Pathum Thani, Thailand, v. 15, n. 2, p. 45–58, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.



Research Articles