
  • พระมหาธีรเพชร ธีรเวท สาขาบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสยาม


Academic Administration, Buddhist Scripture School, General Education


The purposes of this research were to (1) study the condition of the present situation and the feasibility situation of Academic Administration of the Buddhist Scripture School, General Education Division Group 1, and (2) synthesize model of academic administration of the Buddhist Scripture School, General Education Division Group 1. The sample group consisted of 15 directors and 150 teachers. The instrument used for data collecting was a questionnaire and the statistical used were means and standard deviation. The appropriate model was analyzed and criticized by the experts using a focus group for application and obtaining the most applicable model for Academic Administration of the Buddhist Scripture School, General Education Division Group 1. The results found that: The condition of the present situation of Academic Administration of the Buddhist Scripture School, General Education Division Group 1 was the formal administration model. The synthesis of data from questionnaire and interview the directors of another general education division group found that the appropriate model was mixture between the formal model and collegial model. The formal model consisted of academic program planning, development and implementation of academic work and measurement and evaluation because of regulations of Sangha Supreme Council. The collegial model consisted of curriculum administration, instructional management and educational media management because of using the co-operational between the colleagues and external organization. The appropriateness and possibility result related to 5 experts in focus group for the model of academic administration of the Buddhist Scripture School, General Education Division Group 1 was mixture between the formal model and the collegial model. Formal model assume that organizations are hierarchical systems in which managers use rational means to purpose agreed goals. Heads possess authority legitimized by their formal position within the organization and collegial model assume that organizations determine policy and make decisions through a process of discussions in leading to consensus. Power is shared among some or all members of the organization who were thought to have shared understanding about the aims of the situation


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How to Cite

ธีรเวท พ. A SYNTHESIS MODEL OF ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION OF THE BUDDHIST SCRIPTURE SCHOOL, GENERAL EDUCATION DIVISION. RMUTT Global Business and Economics Review, Pathum Thani, Thailand, v. 10, n. 1, p. 19–32, 2015. Disponível em: https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTT-Gber/article/view/242027. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Research Articles