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This research aimed to 1) Debt analysis of Agricultural Cooperative member in the northeast region and 2) Factors reating the the indeptness of Agricultural cooperative in the northeastern region .The key informants in this research were Agricultural cooperative members 412 persons Data collected by using the questionbaire. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics : percentage, frequency and inference statistics by Chi-square test.
The results found that 1) The majority of agricultural cooperative in the northeastern province have and indeptness about 150,001 – 200,000 baht, about 29.2 percent, and then 10,001 – 50,000 baht about 23.5 and finally indeptness about 50,001 – 100,000 baht about 19.2caused by cooperative financial loan. the results demonstrated that 1) debt for agricultural expense, 2) Household expense (food supply, water, nourriture) 3) Education propose 4) Off-farm occupation investment 5) Healthcare expenditure 6) House and land buy/rent. For the second objective, factor affecting the indeptness of agricultural cooperative member in the northern province at significant level 0.05 were 6 individual factors such as sex, age, marriage status, education level, main farmland occupation, number of household member. 2 economic factors such as : average income of household member and monthly expenditure of household. 12 Attitude factors such as Social ststus level, leisure expense : movie, music, other recreation sport and so on were related to their indeptness.
The religion belive : bouddhism merit traditions, temple building donation were partially related to their indeptness. The higher level in income have generally more saving level than the lower income. The credit purchase motivated the consumer to buy these products. The car purchase seem practically gained more benefit than public transport and seem more induced their indeptness. The policy factors affected the financial loan such as commodity good price guarantee, government social welfare, pause-debt policy. The education level affected their indeptness : financial planning, income-expense management reduce their indeptness rate. The future income will prablably increase, otherwise, the household expense will consecutively increase. The financial loan due to the urgent need will available in time. However the higher rate of commodity affected the increasing rate of indeptness. The fundamental commodities including 5 factors : Children’s education, fundamental commodities needs (foods, house, clothing and pharmaceutic products). Technological equipments (Agricultural mechanics,tractors) and recreation activities (gambling and lotteries) Disasters crisis ( Flood and Drought). So, the government agencies and related organization should concern about the data analysis about Factors affecting agricultural cooperative members indeptness in the northeastern area . This research result should be applied in term of Policy and project planning, and Small househould economic planning in agricultural families and another agricultural cooperative villagers in the appropriate socio-economic context
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