การพัฒนาบทเรียนมัลติมีเดียบนเว็บร่วมกับการจัดการเรียนรู้การใช้ปัญหาเป็นฐาน เพื่อส่งเสริมทักษะด้านการอ่าน กรณีศึกษาวิชาภาษาไทยสำหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 2 THE DEVELOPMENT WEB MULTIMEDIA LESSONS WITH PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING FOR PROMOTE READING SKILLS CASE STUDIES OF THAI LANGUAGE COURSE FOR MATHAYOMSUKSA 2 STUDENTS

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อุไรวรรณ ศรีไชยเลิศ
ธนาวดี ขุนด้วง


        This research aimed to (1) develop and evaluate the quality of web multimedia lessons using problem-based learning in a Thai language course; (2) measure the efficiency of the web multimedia lessons using problem-based learning in a Thai language course; (3) compare the students’ academic achievement before and after implementing the web multimedia lessons using problem-based learning in a Thai language course; (4) evaluate the quality of the students’ reading skills after implementing the web multimedia lessons; and (5) measure the students’ satisfaction towards the web multimedia lessons. The sample group, derived from cluster sampling, consisted of 1 class of 36 Mathayomsuksa 2 students in Kanchanaphisek Wittayalai Suphanburi School in Semester 2, Academic Year 2019. The research instruments consisted of (1) web multimedia lessons using problem-based learning in a Thai language course, (2) learning management plans using problem-based learning in a Thai language course,  (3) an achievement test, (4) a Thai language reading skills assessment form, and (5) a student satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used for the data analysis included mean, standard deviation and t-test dependent samples.

           The results of the study were as follows: (1) For the web multimedia lessons using problem-based learning in a Thai language course, the content quality was at a high level, and the production level was at the highest level; (2) The efficiency levels of the web multimedia lessons using problem-based learning in a Thai language course were 88.33/86.94, which were higer than the criteria; (3) The student’s academic achievement after implementing the web-based multimedia lessons using problem-based learning management was significantly higher than before implementing the lessons at the .05 level; (4) The students’ reading skills were found to be at a good level; and (5) The students’ satisfaction towards the web multimedia lessons was at the highest level.

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