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The purpose of this research was to study the development of early childhood care and participatory research knowledge on the concepts of executive functioning-based activities through social media. The population and sample group comprised pre-service teachers in the Early Childhood Education Program studying educational research in semester 1/2019, Faculty of Education, Suan Dusit University. The data were collected with 51 participants using simple random sample methods. The research instruments included a test of Early Childhood Care Knowledge based on the concepts of executive functioning and participatory research knowledge, and an evaluation form for executive functioning development. Descriptive and T- Test inferential statistics was applied. The results of the research showed that the pre-service teachers’ average scores of childcare knowledge based on the concept of executive functioning before and after conducting the activities were at 50.05 % and 78.9 % respectively, and that their average scores of participatory research knowledge before and after conducting the activities were at 28.3 % และ 60.5 % respectively. The knowledge scores in both aspects were higher after conducting the activities with the statistical significance level at .01. The executive functioning development of young children showed that the average developmental scores in working memory, inhibition and flexibility sharply increased in phase 2, began to decrease slightly and then remained constant during phase 3 and phase 4.

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