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Aannicha Thunyachairat


Blockchain technology's global emphasis on transforming supply chain management includes improving efficiency, accountability, traceability, and cost reduction. Blockchain technology attributes include reliability, traceability, data immutability and smart contracting. Blockchain technology solves problems of data collection, including the correction of data and paperless methods. However, not every business recognizes blockchain in the current supply chain due to the lack of understanding of the benefits in the potential of blockchain technology acceptance. The aim of this research is therefore to demonstrate the conceptual framework for the adoption of blockchain technology in supply chain, with reference to the technology acceptance model, which is divided into two parts, namely perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In addition, variables were applied to the organizational factors, uncertain environments, and supply chain strategies to explore the factors that could influence the adoption of Blockchain and the cost benefit in the future. The purpose of this article is to provide knowledge on the conceptual framework for the acceptance of blockchain technology which will increase awareness for those concerned and others interested in furthering the research of the technology adoption model in the supply chain, and to facilitate the timely adoption of business blockchain technology in the context of current competition.


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